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short butterfly call read
卖出碟式买权价差  detail>>
long butterfly call read
买入碟式买权价差  detail>>
short butterfly putl read
卖出碟式卖权价差  detail>>
short butterfly call spread
卖出碟式买权价差  detail>>
long butterfly put read
买入碟式卖权价差  detail>>
long butterfly call spread
买入碟式买权价差  detail>>
short butterfly putl spread
卖出碟式卖权价差  detail>>
short call
卖出买权 认购短仓 认购期权淡仓 认购期权空仓  detail>>
bear call read
买权看空价差  detail>>
bull call read
买权看多价差  detail>>
read system call
读入系统调用  detail>>
money at call and at short notice
短期通知放款;短期内可收回的贷款  detail>>
money at call and short notice
短期放款 临时与短期资金  detail>>
money at call and short term
可短期内收回的款项  detail>>
short call position
认购期权空仓  detail>>
short haul call
短程呼叫 短距离通话, 近程通话  detail>>
please call me sandy in short
把…叫作  detail>>
a butterfly
一只蝴蝶  detail>>